Mission: Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Every Child:
God has given His people a clear commission—to reach every creature with the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our special mission in CEF is to evangelize every child. In the last ministry year our workers worldwide reached over 25.4 million children! CEF is committed to reaching 15 percent more each year. Strategic ministry choices such as Good News Club in public schools and concentrating on high potential growth countries will help us reach this goal.
Every Nation:
Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.”
CEF is a worldwide ministry serving in every region of the world in an ever expanding way.
Every Day:
We are committed to leading children to be in God’s Word every day. As children grow in their relationship with the Lord through meditating on His Word, they develop godly character, which produces much fruit to the glory of God, including spreading the Gospel to their peers. We now have over 800,000 Wonder Devotional Books in Africa. Right now we are working to reach 500,000 children in Asia with the books.
Psalm 119:2, “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
Only as we trust in God and call upon Him are we empowered to do His will. Programs come after prayer, never before it.
We have over 2,900 workers worldwide led by eight regional directors. There are also tens of thousands of volunteers worldwide. God works through His people, godly leaders, staff and volunteers in order to accomplish our goals. The sun never sets on CEF ministry. We provide training, equip our workers with ministry tools and support them through fund-raising and ministry development.
The training of local workers and volunteers multiplies our
ministry and enables us to reach many more children with the Gospel than we
otherwise could. Through our yearly Good News Club Children’s Conferences,
training sessions throughout the year for new Good News Club volunteers,
Refresher classes and Teaching Children Effectively™ courses,
CEF of Chattanooga is enabling those with a burden for children to effectively
evangelize them. If we are to see more children reached with the Gospel,
training is essential. We pray that some of the volunteers that have been
trained will pursue a fulltime career in the Lord’s ministry.
The training of local workers and volunteers multiplies our
ministry and enables us to reach many more children with the Gospel than we
otherwise could. Through our yearly Good News Club Children’s Conferences,
training sessions throughout the year for new Good News Club volunteers,
Refresher classes and Teaching Children Effectively™ courses,
CEF of Chattanooga is enabling those with a burden for children to effectively
evangelize them. If we are to see more children reached with the Gospel,
training is essential. We pray that some of the volunteers that have been
trained will pursue a fulltime career in the Lord’s ministry.
The work of CEF cannot continue without the Lord’s provision. It is essential to build a bridge between those who God calls and equips to do ministry and those who He has blessed and enabled to provide the finances necessary for the continuation of the ministry. God provides in marvelous ways—we “trust Him and tell His people. We beseech the Lord that He will send out more laborers. With a faithful support team undergirding the ministry of CEF of Chattanooga, the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ can be sent throughout the Chattanooga area and beyond.
· Our website has many free, useful resources.
· Come by and visit us at our new location.
· Like us on Facebook.
· Please pray for us as we minister to children in the Chattanooga area and surrounding counties.
· Our motto is “Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.” Will you join our support team to enable CEF of Chattanooga to continue to reach boys and girls for Jesus?